Birgunj to Kathmandu And Kathmandu to Birgunj Bus

Birgunj and Kathmandu are two major cities in Nepal. Both are metropolitan cities. Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal and every single day thousands of people travel from Birgunj to Kathmandu and vice versa for several purpose like  local tourism, Business, Education, Jobs etc.

We have made it easier for you to get information of travel agencies and buses.   Check our bus details to know more about buses on Birgunj-Kathmandu-Birgunj route alone with their contact numbers. Call the numbers given below to book your Birgunj to Kathmandu night bus travel or Kathmandu to Birgunj night bus travel. We have mentioned numbers for both Birgunj and Kathmandu bus counters for all the buses. 

Birgunj to kathmandu & kathmandu to birgunj night bus
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Birgunj Kathmandu Night Bus

This page contains the name of bus that travel from Birgunj to Kathmandu and Kathmandu to Birgunj along with their number. We have just updated their contact details on our website

Anmol Travels Bus

Gold Nepal Travels Bus

Sona Travels Bus

New Angel Bus

Angel Deluxe Bus

Safari Deluxe Bus

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Kathmandu Birgunj Night Bus

Jam Jam Travels Bus

OM Binayak Travels Bus

Shalimar Travels Bus

Samar Travels Bus

Devi Travels Bus

Nepal Darshan AC Bus

Shah Yatri AC Sofa Bus

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BRJ KTM Bus Route Facts

It usually takes 8 to 9 hours to travel on this route. Sometimes travelling time may vary depending on weather conditions, traffic jam and road conditions.

Mostly Buses use Kathmandu-Mugling-Hetauda-Birgunj route to reach Birgunj or Kathmandu. Sometimes whenever this route is out of service, buses use Kathmandu-Daman-Hetauda-Birgunj route to reach Birgunj or Kathmandu

Birgunj to kathmandu bus route - tribhuwan highway
Kathmandu to birgunj bus

We are here to provide you with the complete information about the night bus route between Birgunj to Kathmandu and with their contact number. You can call them directly and make your booking by yourself. You can board these buses from from Banepa, Suryabinayak, Jadibuti, Koteshwor and anywere around ringroad including areas like Satdobato, Gwarko, Ekantakuna, Balku or  from Gaushala, CHabahil, Basundahra, Machapokhari, Swyambhu or directly from Kalanki. They follow 2 routes around ringroad. The first one is via Koteshwor, Satdobato and Kalanki , 2nd route is via Gaushala, Chabahil Swyambhu and Kalanki. You can contact buses inorder to know their route around ringroad, kathmandu.

Birgunj to kathmandu bus

From Birgunj, you can board buses from different routes. Some of the popular routes to board the buses are Kalaiya to Birgunj and than to Kathmandu, Vishuwa to Pokhariya and to Birgunj than Kathmandu. You can board these buses anywhere between these routes by contacting your desired bus service. If you are from Jeetupu, Simara, Pathlaiya or even from Hetauda, you can contact these buses as they follow the same route. Get your booking today, Have a safe journey.

Popular Night Buses from Birgunj to Kathmandu and kathmandu to birgunj​

Night buses like Anmol Travels, Om Binayak Travels, Gold Nepal Travels, Shere Nepal, New Angel Travels, Sulav Travels, Samar Travels,  etc are some of the oldest and popular travel buses that you can get for your kathmandu birgunj night bus travel. 

Bus NameTypeContact KTMContact BirgunjRoute
Anmol TravelsAC98511842129851184214Kalaiya-Birgunj-Kalanki-Jadibuti
Gold NepalAC & Deluxe015314620051527076Kalaiya-Birgunj-Kalanki-Jadibuti
Sona TravelsAC01-5901204051-591877Kalaiya-Birgunj-Kalanki-Jadibuti
New AngelAC01-4259829051-526229Birgunj-Balaju
Angel DeluxeDeluxe01-42603479841533531
Safari DeluxeDeluxe98550893389855054724
Jam Jam TravelsDeluxe9817253877051-520161Kalaiya-Birgunj-Kalanki-Jadibuti
OM Binayak Travels BusAC980-1102041Kathmandu-Birgunj-Kalaiya
Shalimar TravelsDeluxe01-4260296
Samar Travels980-2901120980-2901122Birgunj-Kathmandu
Devi TravelsDeluxe014-361933Kathmandu-Birgunj-Pokhariya
Nepal Darshan AC BusAC9840070136 Kathmandu-Birgunj-Kalaiya
Shah Yatri AC Sofa BusAC and Sofa98025924519802592452Dhulikehl-Banepa-Kathmandu-Birgunj

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